JUDICIARY Latest Features

ECCMIS Ready for Take Off-Justice Busingye
Hon. Lady Justice Dr Busingye, Chairperson, ECCMIS Technical Team

The journey to the realization of an automated court process is nearing fruition as everything is looking up to ensure deployment of the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) in all the 496 courts in the country.

This revelation was made by Hon. Lady Justice Immaculate Busingye, the Chairperson of the ECCMIS Technical Committee on Saturday May 15, 2021 during the closing ceremony of a five-day training of trainers at the Judicial Training Institute in Nakawa.

Hon. Lady Justice Busingye encouraged the trainers to build competent ECCMIS teams ahead of its deployment. "As a trainer of trainers, your role is to build a competent ECCMIS team that will train others on the operations, functionalities, usage, communication skills and make good proposals for a better approach to the program."

She commended the Principal Information Technology Officer, Mr David Sunday Kikabi, for being a good project manager on ECCMIS and the Technical Committee for the good work done so far.

The Judiciary has dedicated the next eight weeks to train different users of ECCMIS ahead of its deployment.

Posted 17th, May 2021
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